New Year – New Start

I’ve had my Facebook page for two and a half years now, and I started using Flickr in October, but the one thing I was missing was a blog.

On Facebook I post my photos of my family, my self portrait project, and my client work. On Flickr I post my self portrait project and my conceptual work. But I don’t really have anywhere to share all those outtakes and behind-the-scenes and photos that don’t-quite-make-the-cut. So here it is! I’ve been wanting to do this since forever but I’m lazy and never actually got around to doing it, now it’s the first day of a brand new year and I decided I may as well start something new.

I don’t have a very good track record with New Years resolutions – last year I promised myself I would grow my hair out and it was less than a week before I cut it WAAAY shorter than I ever had it before! haha. I’m thinking this will be different. Here’s hoping!

This blog will motivate me to:

1. Seek out more ordinary moments to capture.

2. Get more photos of Megan and John, who have mastered the art of running away from any camera pointed even remotely in their direction.

3. Not toss as many photos just because I have nowhere to put them.

4. TAKE MORE PICTURES. Experiment with lighting. Experiment with angles. Learn more about different exposures. LEARN MORE ABOUT EVERYTHING. There is so much more I need to know to be the best I can be.

And I hope that next year I’ll be able to look back on this (VERY COMPLETE AND UP TO DATE) picture diary and see how far I have come.

So since this is a photo blog, here are some photos from my very first day of my graduating year:ImageImageImageImageImageImage